When I’m excited, I like to spill my guts and it was hard not to just post everything all at once about Lulu.

The story is what makes it special. Oh, and I am having a good time capturing the events. If you’re just catching up, check out the first (How We Found Her) and second (Bringing Lillianette Lulu Home) posts for the backstory.

With that said, there really isn’t any other way than to lay it all out. Yes, that’s right, I’m laying all the pictures I have of her interior right now. These were provided by the owner. And, as you can see, it was LOVE at first sight.

Love the curves
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There’ll be more photos – so you can get to know her better. Because, there is so much more to tell. From the layout of measurements, the gems found behind the mirror and the magical light on the stove.

For now, here is the interior (before) because we will be making some restorations/renovations.