"Be happy with what you have while working for what you want."
 - Helen Keller

TINY steps.

Do you remember that game “Mother May I”? One player plays the “mother”, The other
players are the “children”. The “mother” stands at one end of the room, the “children” at the opposite end. They take turns asking the “mother” for permission to step forward. Sometimes in 5 big steps, one giant leap and so on. The “mother” can deny permission or even send them backwards. This is played until someone reaches the “mother”.

We should rename this game to: All You’re Going To Get Is Tiny Steps!tiny-steps

Life – full of tiny steps. Every success and lesson I have had is based on a foundation of tiny, itty bitty steps. And, several falls backwards and a few knockdowns.

Last month, someone said to me, “You came out of nowhere!” She was referring to my speaking business and newly formed organization. Here’s the thing, coming out of nowhere… took me eight years of hard work. And it’s just this person’s “nowhere”. Which means, I have more people to creep up on – um ..er… I mean … meet.

And when I am not hosting an event or speaking on a stage, there is the churn of new business. And some days, it feels like nothing is happening. Like nothing… no new likes on Facebook, no new people to meet, no more coffee in the can  ine in the bottle!

When I review some of my accomplishments – each success had a series of steps. Once those things were executed, I needed to find out what I could do next. Sometimes, it was a creative process. Sometimes, I went in a different direction. We must try, tweak, explore and sometimes scrap. However, never forget each task is preparing you for this moment. Yes. This one!  

Earlier this week, I was reviewing my Youtube channel and stumbled on some gems. I wrote an ebook 8 years ago. I learned how to write, load and link videos about teaching sign language to kids on my old website. Things have changed and I don’t focus on teaching sign language. My reward in this tiny step, capturing my cuties signing. Take a peek and learn some manners family animals and beginning(all are under 2 minutes).

Other accomplishments, in which I viewed as a failure were scrapped and swept under the rug. I didn’t want to be reminded of the pain of what I considered failure. And it was improv related. My most favorite thing in the world. Only just recently have I shared about my improv troupe/theater that doesn’t exist anymore.

I teach how to live in the moment, and for the most part I am doing this! However, I needed to learn, live in the tiny moment. And  now, I’ll be happy with what I have… as I work on those huge ambitious dreams.

Celebrate your tiny moments!